For years I've had requests to supply scion wood for customers, and this year Im pleased to make Pear and Apple scions available from my father Bob Magnus's collection.
We will need to collect, collate, store label and package orders from 46 varieties of Pear and 182 varieties of apple / crab apple. If successful, I may add plum and cherry scions next winter. Ideally I would have a photo and decription and ripening time for each variety, and hopefully can provide this in future years as the effort to put all that together is huge.
I have tried to price it reasonably, $10 for one stick, $9 each for 2, $8 each for three and $7.50 for 10 or more. When choosing your variety, click on the drop-down menu and then scroll to see all the available varieties.
To save on emails : If the stock says zero there's none left, or if the variety you're after isnt there then I dont have it.
Scion wood will be available only until the end of August.
Rootstocks are here, and remember to get any grafting supplies - knife, buddy tape, bitumen paint, and espalier equipment from the hardware section.
Wishing you happy grafting!
Nik Magnus
Woodbridge Fruit Trees
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