Dear Friends and Customers of Woodbridge Fruit Trees,
Springtime is not far away, and now is a great time to plant some flowering ornamentals apples that will ensure your sping is heraled by amazing blossom. The following are renown for their masses and long lasting white/pink bi-coloured blossoms.
These ornamental apples will attract bees and birds, and act as cross pollinator for other apple species. Plant as a specimen tree or in a row along a driveway / fenceline for maximum impact. More options on the crab-apple page.
Anyone with existing orders can use the "add to order" carrier on the website during the checkout process (need to have logged into your account). So long as the order hasnt been marked as "Processing" in which case its being packed and is too late to add to it.
For those enquiring about the stauts or their order: We are well underway with packing orders, and you will be sent an email to say your order is being processed, then again when sent. Order status will be shown in your account on the website, including the tracking number if applicable. We've started with April orders and are getting through back log in the next 2-3 weeks.
Wishing you happy gardening and planting for the 2023 season,
Nik Magnus
Woodbridge Fruit Trees
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